Sakura ponders over Syaoran's confession and is confused of her own feelings for him. Meanwhile hearing word that Eriol is leaving for England, they decided to visit his house for an explanation. While there, Eriol explained that the cards needed to be handed over to the new owner, but without a reason the cards would run amuck. He refused to reveal his identity sooner because he knew Sakura would do her best if she didn't know what was going on. It also turns out that Kaho Mizuki also knew his identity (he was the one who gave her the bell). Eriol explains he knew how everything was going to turn out apart from one detail: he believed that Yukito would romantically love Sakura in return, however he loves Toya, and Sakura loves Syaoran. With the incidents resolved and the cards converted, Syaoran secretly plans to return to Hong Kong. As he is preparing to leave, Tomoyo finds out and tells Sakura. Heartbroken, Sakura says that she doesn't want him to go and that she may indeed love him. Her tears create a new blank Sakura Card with a loving heart on it. Before Syaoran departs, Sakura rushes to the airport. Though she does not yet confess her true feelings, she accepts the bear Syaoran gives her and wonders if she will see him again.